I realize this is a problem that is widespread, but this little corner of Vermont is so very special and unique and deserves to be preserved in all its beauty.

I enjoy walking and, armed with plastic bags, have collected three full bags of litter from each of the following stretches of roads: Golf Club to the Paradise Deli; Warren to the Golf Club; Smokehouse to German Flats Road up to Fayston School.
I have done this gladly in gratitude for all that The Valley and its inhabitants have given me. It seems to be generally felt that this litter comes from those visiting here, but anyone can see that this is not entirely true. The very great majority of local people may not drop litter, but do they pick it up? If everyone were to pick up just one piece a day, what a difference that would make.

Could the schools be involved in some way? Could each homeowner meet with their neighbor and choose to monitor a nearby stretch of road?
I am writing to ask that you launch a campaign to make this beautiful Mad River Valley litter-free once more.
Carole Anderson
London and Warren, VT
