This fall, to plan for the economic sustainability and future environmental health of Waitsfield, the town is continuing the process of evaluating wastewater needs and options in historic Waitsfield village and Irasville. The focus of this effort is to determine if decentralized, or "small pipe," wastewater solutions are an appropriate fit for our community.

Decentralized wastewater approaches have proven successful in many communities due to the flexibility of their application. These systems can include traditional septic tank-leachfield systems of varying sizes, wastewater treatment systems shared between properties, and/or systems with advanced treatment.  New technologies have created some options previously unavailable to us.

As the first step in this planning process, we are conducting a brief voluntary survey of property owners in historic Waitsfield village and Irasville. Known as the Assessment of Decentralized Wastewater Options, this survey will help the town assess the health and capability of current wastewater systems and also accurately gauge future needs.

The survey and planning process is being fully funded by a municipal planning grant. All information provided through the survey is intended for use only by the Planning Commission Wastewater Committee and its consultants and will not be provided to any regulatory entities. In any shared reporting done by the committee, information will be summarized or combined and will not include the names of individual landowners or individual property locations.

The committee is striving for 100 percent cooperation to provide the basis for informed and accurate decision-making. For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Town of Waitsfield Planning Commission Wastewater Committee:
Drew Simmons
Darryl Forrest
Peter Lazorchak
Robin Morris
Joshua Schwartz
