I surely don't know what the solution is, but my first thought is that we need more of a police presence in The Valley towns. I'm not talking about traffic enforcement, which is more than adequate. I'm envisioning some sort of Barney Fife wandering around in the night checking doorknobs and being very visible. Have you ever driven through The Valley after midnight? It's closed up and deserted - the perfect environment for bored little no-goodniks who apparently have nothing meaningful to do with their time.

Who would organize and pay for this? I don't know. However, we elect all sorts of folks to run our towns for us; perhaps one of them has an idea!

...and before I get lectured to lock my car, I do lock it now, and it's a big pain! It also makes me cranky to have to change the way I act and view other people just because a naughty few never learned to keep their hands off of other people's things!

Amy MacDonald
