The letter Mr. Richichi wrote was not constructive in the least; it was an attack on this Valley! I think that we all know how tough the economy is right now and all businesses small and large are struggling, but to blame his lack of business on the attitudes of others is ridiculous! I know that he has only been here for three years, but that should be long enough to have his facts straight! Not looking like we are ready for changing seasons because we have not hung banners and tacky decorations throughout our town? Has he failed to notice the fall displays that happen around local businesses each year? The lights and sleighs full of presents and the decorated tree in the Village Square? The decorations that take real dedication and creativity and man hours!

His letter was rude, hostile and full of negativity and yet he blames the other businesses for acting this way toward tourists. Does he realize that he states over and over that "Waitsfield" is the town that is to blame and the town that is losing business, yet Alta was in Warren? The other businesses that he mentioned were a part of this Valley for years. I highly doubt that it was the "grunts and snarls" of Waitsfield that caused these businesses to close their doors. Once again it is a tough economy! 

I end this letter wondering if Mr. Richichi thinks that by bashing other businesses and our community that they in turn will refer customers his way?

Andrea Thompson Petrasch
South Duxbury
