As a planning commissioner I listened to the Safe Routes folks seeking support by championing a trail through the town property so the "children" would not have to endure the risks of riding their bikes on the dangerous roads. Being a conscientious PC member I voiced my concern that any trail be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the newly formulated Forest Management Plan and not an annoying appendage dedicated to someone's obscure special interest.

Otherwise I was relatively ambivalent about the project. But following recent disclosures that the main focus of the trail will be recreational and maybe Safe Routes is secondary and down the road, I find myself reaching for the ointment. You see, now that someone has stuck their hand in the cookie jar and pulled out $19,000 that "doesn't cost anyone anything," we can now create a manicured six-foot-wide mountain biking trail (real objective) through the relatively pristine property littered with antiquity. But, don't worry, the School Board and the Safe Routes folks are still supportive because the "children of Moretown" will no longer have to view nature from those treacherous and dangerous walking trails.  And since a renowned trail designer has made this trail safe enough for any child to walk through without being molested by bears or speeding mountain bikers from as far away as Montpelier, I feel soothed. Or is that the ointment?

Anyway, I'm sure those state folks and our select board are as ambivalent as I was about the project and spending "someone else's money" for a Fake Route to School. Aren't you?

Don LaRocca
