Many key issues were discussed, all of which cry for increased funds. The big question is where does this money come from?  With the state (nation, world) in severe economic downturn, normal revenue sources for the state will be depressed for some maybe considerable time.
Where can money come from?  There are only a few sources. Taxes. We are already among the highest-tax-rate states. Take from other sections of the budget. Oh? The ones that aren't screaming for more dollars? Redistribute from within sectors? Cut out less important needs and programs?
This will require fresh, vigorous, hardheaded thinking to sort our priorities and options, and to do more with less. The present Legislature has had two years to work on these issues. They have done very little. It's time to inject new thinking, to replace the incumbents wherever possible with forward-thinking new legislators.  
I heard Adam Greshin suggest several specific and concrete proposals for improved use of our tax dollars. I did not hear that from Carol Hosford. For his vigorous fresh approach, my vote next Tuesday will go for Adam Greshin.
Bob Messner
