To The Editor:

This upcoming election, both nationally, and locally, may be the most important election of our time. Locally, we need to change the tax and spend affliction in Montpelier. We need to elect people who represent the majority of Vermonters and eliminate the “super majority” that currently exists in Montpelier. From the Clean Air tax that may bring a $1.70 gallon increase to your heating costs, to property tax increases yet to come, we need to find out where each candidate stands on these and other important issues.

If the Clean Air\Water tax goes forward, as written, each Vermont home will incur a tax of up to $1,700-$2,550 per year based on 1,000-1,500 gallon consumption of propane\oil. If property taxes keep going up at the 18% average rate as in 2024, in five years a home with a $13,000 tax bill in 2023 will see that bill compounded to over $30,000.

We need to have a minimum of two candidate forums where all four candidates are present to answer questions from the community in a live, interactive meeting.

How do we arrange at least two live candidate sessions for our five towns of Warren, Waitsfield, Fayston, Duxbury, and Moretown?

Don Simonini

Editors Note: The Valley Reporter and Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce  are holding a candidates debate on Tuesday, October 15