State representative candidates for 2024

The Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter are co-hosting a forum for the four candidates for Washington-2 state representative next month.





The forum takes place Tuesday, October 15, on the second floor of Valley Meade in Waitsfield from 6 to 8 p.m. Chamber executive director Eric Friedman and Valley Reporter editor Lisa Loomis will host and moderate the event.

The four candidates include Independent John Burns, Moretown; incumbent Dara Torre, D-Moretown; Candice White, D-Waitsfield; and Gene Bifano, Independent, Warren.

At the forum, candidates will have the opportunity to present opening statements and moderators will present prepared questions to each candidate. Candidates have been asked to submit questions to be asked of the group and questions will be taken from the audience as well.

Mad River Valley Television will be covering the event. In advance of the event, community members are encouraged to send questions for the candidates to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

“We’re excited to co-host this important event with the Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce,” said Loomis.

"From an economic perspective Vermont's political landscape is at a critical juncture. Understanding the priorities of our legislators is critical as we decide who will best represent our interests. The MRV Chamber is proud to collaborate with The Valley Reporter to give voters the insights they need to make informed decisions,” said Friedman. 




“This election – as with all elections – there are critical issues facing all of us, including education spending and its impact on education/property taxes, the impacts of the Clean Heat bill on home heating costs, skyrocketing health care and hospital costs and many others. We encourage all voters, residents, and homeowners to get involved and get informed,” Loomis added.

The Valley Reporter will also be reaching out to candidates for Washington District Senate with a series of questions to be answered in print in the run up to the November 5 general election. Those candidates include incumbent Democrats Ann Cummings, Andrew Perchlik, and Anne Watson as well as Republican Donald Koch.