To The Editor:

Maxine Grad is an outstanding representative. She is chair of the House Judiciary Committee and a founding member of Emerge VT. She worked hard to pass multiple bills promoting public safety, victim rights, family safety/wellbeing, environmental issues, and support of veterans, service men/women and their families. She facilitated the acquisition of conservation easements for Duxbury Land Trust, and is endorsed by the Sierra Club.  She is responsive and reasonable and has great working relationships within state government; she can get things done.  We need her to continue to represent us!

Kari Dolan has my second vote for representative. A lifelong environmentalist and clean water advocate; Kari has run VT’s clean water grants program, managed VT’s flood insurance program post-Irene and is a former energy analyst. She directs the Clean Water Initiative related to cleaning up our waterways.

Let’s send Grad and Dolan to Montpelier!

Judi Daly