To The Editor:

Representative Maxine Grad and I served 14 years together in the House of Representatives.  For 10 of those years, we served together on the Judiciary Committee.  In my first term, she was vice-chair and in my final term I was vice-chair as she chaired.  I know her work as well as anyone; better than most.

I will say it plainly.  There is no member of the House that works harder for her constituents than Maxine.  But, I know from experience that hard work only gets you so far under the dome.  The fact that members across all of the aisles trust and respect her sets Maxine apart as one of the most effective members of the House.

The people of the Mad River Valley, Moretown, and Duxbury have been well served by Maxine for years.  With your vote this fall she will continue to work for you in the State House.

Willem Jewett, Esq.