As Anne Latulippe transitions from her role as coordinator of The Children's Room after a long and illustrious tenure at the helm, I want to extend my great appreciation for her work with children and families of central Vermont. Like many parents of young children, I met Anne when I discovered The Children's Room, leading dozens of kids and caregivers in music and movement. Not only had I found an incredible space for my kids to play, I encountered a supportive, resourceful, welcoming, creative leader who helped me to build my confidence and skills as a parent.

My story is far from unique as I know Anne has guided hundreds of caregivers through the exhaustion and triumphs of raising infants and toddlers. The Room is in excellent hands with a new coordinator, Naomi Alfini, and a dedicated board of directors. Thank you, Anne, for your powerful contribution to this community. Your impact will be felt for generations. With great thanks and admiration,

Caitlin Hollister