To The Editor:
While traveling back from a weekend in New York state on a recent Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. or so, I encountered a large group of families/swimmers walking on the roadside around a moderate blind corner on Route 100 at Warren Falls.

This was extremely surprising to me and extremely dangerous! While all or most of the cars were to the right of the legal white line, it still put all the humans present at high risk as all of our options were reduced. Did I say our?

To me, a driving professional and one who tries to be on task 100 percent of my driving time, I see nothing good coming of this. As a concerned and caring community, we all are going to feel so sad and so miserable when the inevitable happens.

This letter is not to blame or scold – just to raise awareness.

A solution or two? Cones on the yellow line for ½ mile or so in that area to slow all traffic down.

Saturdays and Sundays are critical – let our local constable be in charge – better to be proactive than reactive. I assume this is why Warren pays him – to keep the public safe. Conflicts? Call the Washington County sheriff – it is also their purview.

Another? Tow, tow, tow. Still very dangerous on those curves. The constable must be involved with traffic control. It has to be at least two towers to make people pay attention. Again, all safety precautions should be used.

Perhaps then the “Googlers” will clue everyone in on why not to attend Warren Falls as they will be towed and their friends and families will be walking to The Warren Store for a ride. In my opinion, the constable should transport these families as a courtesy to keep all safe. This would keep PR high and he could drop them off at Lareau for a dip.

As Forrest Gump says, “That’s all I am going to say about that!”

John Lynch