To The Editor:

Reading The Valley Reporter, I came across a piece where the town of Waitsfield is closing in on a land purchase at the north end of Bowen Road. This acreage will add to the existing town land for public recreation. Bowen Road means a quite a lot more to me than most.

My great-grandfather, Albert Bowen, lived there and before him my great-great-grandfather, Michael Moriarty, lived there. Albert married Anne "Annie" Jane Moriarty, daughter of Michael. The last of anyone living there would be in the 1930s when old age forced Albert and Annie to reside with their daughter, Marietta "Etta" Bowen Baird, on the Baird farm, now Ski Valley Acres on the Waitsfield Common Road.

I submit this mostly unknown fact as an illustration of why we multigenerational Valleyites become frustrated with those who move here for their piece of Vermont's little heaven, but have no roots that beget memories of the history here. It's not their fault. I get that! Just some sad commentary from someone who feels all The Valley history because it is very much a part of who I am!

Kevin Eurich
Waitsfield, VT
Myrtle Beach, SC