To The Editor:

As co-chair of the Mad River Park Fields fundraising committee, I would like to personally thank the members of the Mad River Valley Rotary, the Fayston Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and Waitsfield PTO for their generous donations toward the purchase of the Mad River Park Fields. Time and time again, these organizations show how dedicated they are to children and the Mad River Valley community.

Early in the fundraising process, I reached out to a member of the Mad River Valley Rotary. Without hesitation, they guided me through their grant process and were one of the first to donate to the purchase of the fields. When I spoke with the Fayston and Waitsfield PTOs, I was blown away with how enthusiastic they were about saving the fields and how willing they were to help. Prior to being part of the fundraising process, I always considered the Mad River Park Fields as the place youth soccer and lacrosse were played. Now, when I think of the fields, I am reminded how compassionate and caring this wonderful community is and that is due in part to these wonderful organizations.

Mike Nucci