To The Editor:
This letter is addressed to: All our friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters in the MRV.
As Bob and I head back to Merritt Island, Florida, we wish to thank you for all your outpouring of love and gratitude you bestowed on our families over this last three weeks – sharing your love, pain memories and food. You nurtured our bodies and souls. Memories of past years of raising our families together.
Please don’t be riddled with the pain of the loss of these beautiful children who in many ways were more adult than some elders. They had manners, love and friendliness to those they encountered. Let us aspire to these qualities.
I was astonished that so many of you felt we have touched your lives. It is mutual! My grown day care kids, I love you for telling me I made a difference. I thought I was a witch on a broom sometimes – we now call it PMS. It helped me realize that we are on a journey in life and occasionally our train jumps the track! We only see the now. Let us get perspective; my parents lived through a depression and a world war and that generation overcame.
People have mentioned how much faith we have. It mostly came from adversity, realizing, with six children, the only control we had was to follow God’s will and let him be in charge. Padre Pio has said in his saintliness, “Do not tire yourself over things that cause anxiety, preoccupation and worry. Only one thing is necessary – lift up your spirit and love God. Fill our churches again where a community of love begins when we make that our goal.”
For me, Gandhi once made a statement about Christians. When asked why he wasn’t one because he studied the scriptures, he said he’d convert when he met one. Have we, as Christians, been loving enough? Is that thought provoking? But he was the one who fasted for a nation for religious pluralism just as Christ came for the salvation of all.
One last thought. Let us go forward each day for that is an act of freewill and love ourselves enough to give others the benefit of our understanding and humor and realize we are all in this world together.
We go back to Florida knowing you will look out for our family lovingly because we have at some time looked after you.
May the God who loves us all hold you in the palm of his hands.
Audry and Bob Mays