To The Editor:
I'd like to publicly state that I made a mistake in my letter to the editor regarding the article in The Valley Reporter about the Gun Owners of Vermont (GoVT) meeting. While talking with the president and vice president of GoVt, I was told that this gentleman was not a member of Gun Owners of Vermont and I put that in my letter at their request. As it turns out, he is a paid member of Gun Owners of Vermont. I'm not sure how they missed this and I should have double-checked this before putting it in my letter. I do still stand by everything else I wrote in the letter and I hope that everybody realizes that mistakes do happen.
As an organization, Gun Owners of Vermont does not subscribe to these conspiracy theories. But every member has a right to his or her own beliefs and is welcome to share them at our meetings. We are a very diverse group of people. We have members from many if not all religious, political and ethnic backgrounds. And we all have our own thoughts on many different subjects. Our common bond is to protect the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution. All are welcome!
Bill Robinson
GoVt Washington County regional coordinator