To The Editor:

Intelligence, integrity, responsiveness, responsibility and most of all inclusiveness – five words that describe Maxine’s work for all Vermonters and close to home for her constituents.

Maxine, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, has a track record that many of her colleagues admire. In fact, one member of her committee, a prominent Republican from Rutland, told her that he hopes she wins, because he likes the way she listens to all points of view and acts in the best interest of all Vermonters.

Maxine is particularly interested in issues dealing with veterans and their families, juvenile justice, child and family safety, mental health, road safety and impaired driving – a strong thread of caring for the well-being of us all.

We are proud Democrats who are pleased to cast our vote for Maxine Grad!

Dotty Kyle, Eric Brattstrom, Steve Willis, Pamela Lerner, Carole and Steve Crossman