To The Editor:

I pay taxes to Waitsfield but don’t actually live there so don’t have a vote. And, therefore, I have not weighed in on the Town Hall debate/debacle – past or present. There already are more than enough opinions to go around. But I have just not been able to understand why it’s ended up costing a million six (or more) to house three-ish employees, a vault, etc., etc. etc.

But after reading the relevant story in last week’s Valley Reporter, it’s now very clear to me. If I were in charge, I’d have made sure the final design called for standard “off the shelf” parts, components and materials, not strangely exotic custom-made beams. After all, it is the taxpayer’s money and living in Vermont’s Mad River Valley ain’t cheap. Three thousand dollar doors indeed – two of them!

And I’ll bet you that five years from now, the old Chittenden Bank building (Andy Shapiro’s insult to the Vermont vernacular) is still sitting there empty.

Tony Egan