To The Editor:

Thanks to John Brum and others who have recently wrote to clarify the dam issue in Warren. Are people still fighting to save a structure which damages our precious river in various ways on purely aesthetic and historical reasons? Sadly, the answer is yes. As a good friend, watershed expert and former Valley resident said to me earlier today, "It's incredible that this conversation is even still happening."

Let's get on with the improvement and good stewardship of our collective watershed. Get rid of the dam and on to productive projects, not stuck in some more destructive past or wanderlust about it via image alone. Or, conversely, put it to use – that's why it was built! Preserving it for views alone is based on a false pretense about the dam's role to begin with. Here is one rare example when the state's guidelines are actually based on substance and science. It'd be smart to heed them or, again, get a real productive dam actually working there.

Ben Falk