To The Editor:

I would like to ask everyone out there that if you are not registered to vote then please do so. And if you are registered to vote, please educate yourselves on the issues and candidates and then vote. I could suggest how to vote, but I believe everyone has the right and responsibility to vote their conscience! And, in doing so, need to study the issues and candidates. It is my opinion that this country was once one of the greatest countries ever, but not anymore. Somehow people have taken it for granted and don't vote. Some say, "My vote doesn't matter." Others have told me, "I like to leave politics to others." People like this are destroying our once great country! Only a small percentage of people who are eligible to vote actually do so. This is unacceptable to me! If you can vote and choose not to, then you are part of the problem! Help make the United States of America great again. Get out and vote! Remember we are supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Bill Robinson