To The Editor:

I would like to make the general public aware of a local man who walks among us and who has the highest moral values, which is absolutely commendable. That man’s name is Jeffrey Burnett from Parade Gallery next to The Warren Store.

In the beginning of December my small wallet fell from my purse in the parking lot by these establishments. I thank God that Jeff was the one who found it. It had in it all my Christmas money for my vacation here in the Mad River Valley and it was a large sum at that!

I think that temptation for most of us may have been too great to resist. Only a few of us would have done the morally correct thing by holding on to it until the owner backtracked their steps to find it and Jeff is one of those people.

I also understand he gives a lot of his time to the Mad River Valley Ambulance Service. It is easy to realize The Valley has a very valuable community member. So my heartfelt thanks goes out to him and I hope anyone who meets him will give a warm compliment as well for saving my vacation here in The Valley.

Cynthia LaGatta
South Duxbury