To The Editor:

Senator Leahy's thoughts regarding lack of COLA this year for those on Social Security and others needing benefits seems to justify spending millions or billions, he does not say how much, on this program proposed by the Socialist Sanders and helpmate Warren. He seems to think the increases in business pay tax loopholes will pay for the program but again, does not justify it.

Many people don't realize that all government program money comes out of our taxes. Every person employed by the federal or state governments is paid from our taxes. Whatever corporations pay their employees comes out of profit; if this causes their product to be noncompetitive, they go bankrupt and tax money disappears. If some loophole is found to reduce the corporate tax burden and it's legal, then the tax law was sloppy. "What was your part in this error?” So comparing what corporations pay their employees is their own business and can't be used to justify what government workers get. And what about your automatic pay increases that congress voted for themselves?

Leahy should be reminded that regarding loopholes, he should remember the loopholes he supported for his union friends. He should also remember the trick congress pulled back in the 1970s when their budget, back when budgets were in use, needed more capital, and they stole all the Social Security money and left an IOU. And this has not yet been paid back because politicians of both left and right like to do exactly what Leahy wants to do with this article. They feel that the main way to be re-elected is to hand out money. They get no credit for any savings programs.

This article of Leahy's concerns is just one small item in our national tax law. That is why there are a few who believe that it should be scrapped entirely; start over without the IRS and with a much simpler arrangement that is much harder to tamper with.

Olin E. Potter
Lebanon, NH (former Waitsfield resident)