To The Editor:

This letter is addressed to the Waitsfield Select Board.

Over the past few weeks, I have been reading with increasing concern the negative issues about the proposed sidewalk in downtown Waitsfield. This weekend as I drove down Main Street, the solution to the problems became crystal clear to me. Do not building the sidewalk at all!

We have a sidewalk on the east side of the road from the elementary school all the way to Evergreen Place. We have a sidewalk in front of the new municipal building and the medical offices. We do not need to rip out old trees, eliminate necessary business parking or install multiple crosswalks. We do not need curbs to further endanger cyclists. In short, we do not need this sidewalk.

So there is grant money to pay for most of this, you say. I say, give the grant money back to be used by someone for something really necessary; save the town another, what, $35,000?

I like living in a rural village. Many others do too. There is a crosswalk at the corner for those who feel the need for one. Leave Waitsfield Village alone, please.

Edith E. Connellee