To The Editor:

The Constitution of the United States grants every citizen freedom of religion. Everyone has the right to worship as they please or not to follow any religion at all without interference from the government.

It, at the same time, states that the government, whether federal, state or local, will maintain a clear separation from religion. To be specific, no tax money may be used in any way that involves religion.

Furthermore, symbols or icons of any religion must not be in place on any public property. There have been cases where towns have paid for such things or where religious organizations put pictures in schools and statues and biblical statements on public land. When these towns were brought to court by various organizations, the problems were resolved.

Waitsfield United Church of Christ with its programs and meetings that involve the entire community is an asset to Waitsfield.

However, when the Waitsfield voters are asked to approve a sum of $1,500 to the church, they are being asked to vote on something that is against the law.

Please do not put Waitsfield in the news for this issue.

Robert Brightbill