To The Editor:

I am supporting the Track in the Woods with great excitement. Here are my top five reasons for investing in this wonderful community effort:

1. My daughter runs cross-country and track at Harwood and these amazing athletes have earned a better track to hone their considerable skills than the one we have now.
2. It would be really fun for our whole community to host track events that other teams actually came to. We currently don't get much of a turnout and are missing an opportunity to host real competitive events and showcase our beautiful Valley.
3. When my 80-year-old dad comes to visit, I take him for walks at the Waitsfield Telecom parking lot (thanks, Telecom!) because it is the only flat, level place around. I'd love to be able to take him (or a neighbor or friend) for a cool and lovely walk on our community Track in the Woods.
4. OK and sometimes I just want to run on flat ground ... and it would be so nice to do it on a car-free, shady track. Meet me at the Track in the Woods for a workout?
5. From 1990-2013, U.S. general running participation has grown by 70 percent. That's huge. Running is a thing. And track running is part of any runner's routine.

Imagine: It's a hot summer night. We meet at our community track for the weekly fun run/walk. The same track where the 400-meter state record was set at a meet earlier in the spring, the same track where we logged some miles while the roads were too icy or muddy. A dip in the river on the way back into town to buy a burger or a beer at one of our great restaurants follows. Let's do this!

Here is the link for the IndieGogo fundraising campaign.

Kate Williams