To The Editor:

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about the proposed Waitsfield pocket park. A few “pros” and many “cons” posted on Front Porch Forum. Since the project hasn’t begun yet, maybe it’s still not too late to rethink spending almost $180,000 for design and engineering! Even though it’s grant money it would be nice to be used for a better cause. The money is not “earmarked” for anything else, but just think how many hungry families or homeless families could benefit from that amount.

This location is on the banks of a river in a rural Vermont village. Do we need tons of concrete added to this small area? Will it really add to the character of Bridge Street? What is historic about cement amphitheater seating? If you haven’t checked out Bridge Street lately, look at the fantastic job that AnneMarie and Barbra and many volunteers did with the sidewalks! Just think what ideas they might have for a park. Perhaps a few benches, trees, shrubs and a nice railing? The town owns the land; let’s get some community involvement to build our own park. Thanks again to AnneMarie, Barbra and all of the volunteers!

Larry Corthell