To The Editor:

As a flatlander with a love of The Valley and the great work of For the Love of Dogs/Vermont Dog Rescue, we feel the need to chime in here.

Last summer, while enjoying The Valley, it became obvious that it was time to adopt another family dog (it had been a year since we lost our 13-year-old cocker). We pursued many leads for new four-footed friends including both a Vermont based breeder and a southern rescue from Carole Moore's For the love of Dogs/Vermont Dog Rescue. We chose the rescue and couldn't be happier.

To respond to some of the concerns raised in the article:

a) Careful selection of adoptive families: We had to provide references and would have had a home visit had we not be from out of state. All of our references were thoroughly checked by Carole's team. Conversely, the breeder we were working with asked for nothing beyond a deposit to hold the pup, sight unseen.
b) Full vetting and healthy dogs: In addition to receiving complete documentation on two vet visits, we decided to use the two-week trial period to have our pet fully tested by our local vet. The vet commented on how the dog was in perfect health and appeared to be well cared for since being rescued from its home in Georgia.
c) Wonderful pets. Our dog has been remarkable. Carole told us the dog was extra sweet and she was absolutely right. Everyone we meet comments that they've never seen a more well-behaved, good-natured dog. They are truly amazed when we tell them that someone down south didn't appreciate him!

In great appreciation for the many gifts The Valley has brought our family, including our new family member, Tanner.

Jen and Bob Ellis and
Son, Jack, and his new best buddy, Tanner