To The Editor:
This is an effort to get the word out regarding a remarkable effort beginning in our area. The running community at Harwood Union High School has embarked on an ambitious project to raise money for what they are calling Track in the Woods. This effort attempts to build a handicapped-accessible, community-friendly training facility which will utilize the beautiful trails at the Harwood Union High School and incorporate a state-of-the-art running track within these trails. This basically defines "human interest" story in a way that truly transcends.

This effort will not only benefit the Harwood Highlander running community. All of the students in our broader area from middle school to high school will have access to this facility. All of our soccer players, cross-country skiers, baseball players, field hockey players, etc. will be able to train and build their endurance on one of the most beautiful tracks in the Northeast right in their own backyard.

With teachers from the sciences to the humanities increasingly bringing their classrooms outside to the natural world to see education manifest itself in an inspiring setting, we will have the opportunity to further expand our outdoor classroom. Moreover, this facility will enable those with physical challenges to access the woods in a way that is otherwise currently impossible in our area. There are currently no similar wheelchair- or elderly-accessible trails in our area and this facility would afford that opportunity to our broader community.

Have you reached an age where you are afraid of falling in the woods yet long for that time communing with nature? Do you have a loved one who is wheelchair-bound who might love a roll in the woods? Would you like to support building a magical access to the woods in your community?

If so consider accessing the video which explains the project on the website (search for Track in the Woods).

The official link is

This is one of those rare efforts that supports education, athletic pursuit and community development. Let’s join together to help make it happen!

Liam Gannon