To The Editor:

The single idea that encapsulates what America is about is the level playing field. That's why football teams switch ends of the field at the end of each quarter. The unending efforts by special interests to undermine that idea are the reason we have to have the forest of regulations conservatives love to complain about.

Great wealth for the few is not part of the American dream. Children having more opportunities than their parents did is. Great wealth is doing everything it can to plow under and pave the level playing field and ensure that each generation of working people has less than the one before: less money, less housing, less education, less legal representation, less health care, less power to rein in the greed that's bent on eating the world and cares for nothing but this quarter's profits.

Vermont seems like a magic kingdom, where fairness makes a wobbly stand, trying to do what's right, to the very end. Let's hope the Legislature forgives Peter Shumlin his fumbles and lets him keep holding the ball for two more years.

Jim Dodds
