Concerning Joslin Hill Road project:

To The Editor:

I have lived halfway up Joslin Hill Road for the past 45 years. And, in that time, I have never heard of anyone walking on the road ever being injured by a motor vehicle; as a matter of fact, I have never heard of anyone ever being injured walking on the road.

The last time I can remember an auto accident where someone was seriously injured was in the 1960s when a driver left a party in the heart of winter, went off the road and struck a tree. Unfortunately, he was killed. That is the only time that I can remember anyone being seriously injured in an auto accident.

As to a bike path, I am not as concerned for the children riding the road as I am for the adults who think they are in the French Alps doing time trials.

By adding a bike path, you are only increasing the possibility of people riding faster and increasing the probability of serious accidents.

Joslin Hill is a country road; let's leave it that way.

I moved here to live in the country. It seems we are now doing our best to turn the town into suburbia.

We just spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for new sidewalks in the village. Let's leave Joslin Hill a country road.

Robert Foster
