To The Editor:
(This letter was sent to President Obama.)
Please stop spraying us like ants with chemtrails.

Dear Barack Obama,

This geoengineering program is murderous and wrong. It is making me very sick and that is not fair, Mr. President.

I voted for you two times because I believed the American people's health and best interest was in your heart.

I do not feel that way since you seem to support Monsanto, geoengineering, fracking, GMOs, etc., which are destroying the planet and all living things. It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature. Happy New Year, Mr. and Mrs. Obama; please take a stand and stop this insidious spraying of aluminum, nanofibers and other toxic chemicals around the United States of America including my rural town of Warren, Vermont. This program is mean, vicious and should be illegal to purposefully hurt, make ill and knowingly kill your own citizens, men, women and children, babies, trees, plants, flowers, bees, birds, house pets and wild animals, rivers, oceans and marine life. These chemicals go into our lungs, our brains, our blood and organs and are silently and secretly and quietly killing us. Alzheimer's, autism, respiratory illness and cancer and skin eruptions at an all-time high with unprecedented increases in cases and death resulting from the spraying. Why are you allowing this to happen to your country's people? You are supposed to be caring for us. Here are links to a video about this and a website:,

Rita Brown
Warren, Vermont
