To The Editor:

Please, let's stop for a minute and think outside of our 24-foot box.

Safe walking paths to school/town do not have to be married to Joslin Hill Road. A much, much safer, more direct and beautiful route from the Waitsfield Common area to Waitsfield Elementary School (and chamber, health center, fire station, etc.) is to turn off Joslin Hill Road on to Cassius Ridge Road. Build a foot/bike path along this road. Then continue this path straight down the steep hill, build a small foot bridge over the Mad River ... and you will come out at the Waitsfield Elementary School field by the cemetery where General Wait is buried.

The Stowe bike path has over half a dozen beautiful foot bridges over the river that flows through their town. It has been done before. This is just one idea for creating a better alternative. Are there are other places out there where we could connect local roads with foot/bike paths and create better, safer user experiences for all users? ... Would the Safe Routes to School Program help fund projects like these?

Happy Holidays!
Corinthia Richards
