To The Editor:

This letter is addressed to all the VAST people:

I apologize that this year I am shutting down the VAST trail in Duxbury. I have for many years kept this trail open and had no intentions of closing it. This spring a flood took out the culvert to Wilder Road and I was not able to get home. I asked a neighbor if I could cross their property to get home and I was denied. I was denied for no reason other than I am friends with certain people. My neighbors have an ongoing issue with my friend and my neighbor thought that I should be responsible also. This did not bother me much, but then the next day they refused my wife passage and then it got personal.

I was able to construct a road with the help of Mike and Jennie Brinkman across Chris and Lee Ann Viens' property so I could make it to my home while the culvert was being replaced. I would like to thank Chris and Lee Ann for letting us do that on their property.

Because of the actions of my neighbor I cannot condone this neighbor profiting from the use of my land when they did not have the decency to let my wife and myself use their land in an emergency.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience and if circumstances change, I will be more than happy to open the trail again.

Kevin and Paige LaVanway
