To The Editor:

I'd like to add to what was reported in this paper about what I said at the Waitsfield Select Board meeting on Monday, October 27. When the “public forum” section of the meeting was open, I made the following remarks in regard to the behavior and comportment of certain members of the Waitsfield Select Board on October 16. I characterized the behavior of Mr. Pierson as reprehensible.

It appears as though he came to that select board meeting ready for a fight on an issue in which he has a personal and financial stake – the parking lot and environs of Bridge Street Marketplace. He agitated Mr. Spinosa which created a hostile environment. Mr. Spinosa succumbed to this behavior and pointed his finger at Mr. Pierson in a threatening way.

As can be seen on the Channel 44 video of the meeting, Mr. Pierson gleefully responded to this outbreak on the part of Mr. Spinosa by offering to “snap it off,” referring to the pointed finger. This then devolved into a back and forth between Mr. Spinosa and Mr. Pierson where fisticuffs were proposed and offered.

Mr. Spinosa later wrote a letter to this paper apologizing for his behavior. Mr. Pierson on the other hand appears to be unapologetic. It is for this reason that I feel that Mr. Pierson should immediately resign his position on the Waitsfield Select Board. Surely, we should not condone this malicious, mean-spirited, bullying and threatening behavior on the part of our elected officials.


Nicholas Harmon

