To The Editor:

Vermonters give their legislators a 44 percent approval rating. Vermont ranks fifth in the United States in cost per high school student – $16,039; the national average is $12,608. Vermont ranks lowest (or highest depending on how you look at it) in teacher-to-student ratio – 9.2 students per teacher.

If our students were performing 1 1/3 times better than the national average, these numbers might less painful. It appears that the money spent per pupil in Vermont does not have a direct reflection on performance.

If you are satisfied with and willing to pay more taxes and think that pouring more money into a broken system makes sense, then send the incumbents back to Montpelier. Assuming that you do, then I conclude that we get what we deserve.

A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Steve Joslin
