To The Editor:

Having worked with Pat McDonald for three years in senior level positions in state government under Governors Snelling and Dean, I can attest to her pragmatic problem-solving approach to issues. Initially appointed by a Republican governor, she was subsequently appointed by a
Democrat, proving her ability to work in a bipartisan way across the aisle.

Pat has been commissioner of personnel, deputy commissioner of education, secretary of transportation and at one time in charge of the Department of Motor Vehicles. If one can streamline that department, which she did, there is a chance that she can do something positive
about the two major issues of health care and property taxes neglected by the Legislature to date.

If you want a doer with a proven record of accomplishments, a pragmatist rather than an ideologue, who can civilly and respectfully work with multiple interest groups, support Pat McDonald for state Senate.

Deri Meier
