To The Editor:

I'm voting Anthony Pollina for Senate.  I've known Anthony for over a decade and I've yet to meet a Vermonter more dedicated to the needs of working people and family farms.  Since we elected him to the Senate in 2010, he's advocated for affordable public health care, livable wages, earned sick days for workers, the right to form a labor union, support for farmers and progressive taxation (making the rich pay more and working people pay less).  Anthony's values in the Senate are reflected in the passing of health care reform (a commitment to single payer in 2017), the creation of the best minimum wage in the country, expansion of the right to form a labor union to 10,000 new Vermonters (home health and child care workers) and passage of the GMO labeling bill.  While these are strong accomplishments, the work isn't done. I invite you to vote for Anthony Pollina on November 4.

David Van Deusen
