To The Editor:

I am addressing the many bikers, joggers and walkers who don't realize how often they dress to blend into the background and, thus, how hard it is to see them. I was driving on Plunkton Road in Warren about 6:20 p.m. – dusk but not quite dark. Headlights are coming toward me as I am approaching the small bridge where the road narrows. As we are nearly abreast of one another on the bridge, in the momentary glare of the other car's headlights, my eyes catch sight of two darkly clad women joggers on my right. So please register this, two cars now abreast of each other, crossing a narrow bridge with very little wiggle room and that is when I first saw them, at the very last minute, just as I was going by them. In any other situation, say I would have glanced elsewhere, or not have been far enough from the parapet, it would have been too late. I write this as a major complaint and as a warning to joggers, walkers, bike riders to please dress for survival. Consider that dark clothing against dark pavement at dusk is a camouflage. Our highway crews wear bright vests for a good reason and note that some of us are of a certain age and hardly have the vision or reflex of youth.

Pierre Moffroid

