To The Editor:

I have testified regarding tax matters at the House Ways & Means Committee several times. Each time, Representative Adam Greshin listened with interest, asked pointed questions and participated in the decision making. As an Independent, he is free from party pressure and has earned the respect of his peers.

The House Ways & Means Committee is the heart of the Legislature: It has jurisdiction over all revenue-raising and budgeting measures and is charged with improving the state's finances.

Adam Greshin has a seat at the table. He's a strong voice for our community. He has served in the House for six years and on the Ways & Means Committee for five. He has correctly identified health care oversight and education funding reform as the two most important issues for the next legislative session. Both of these issues will pass through the Ways & Means Committee, and we need Adam Greshin's experience.

Marge McDonnell, CPA
