To The Editor:

This letter is in support of Maxine Grad for state representative.

 I am a longtime supporter of Maxine and have much admired her energy, dedication and focus to her duties in state government.

Being a driver educator, I am impressed by her attention to distracted driving by teens and adults. She has been a major force in seatbelt awareness, the major issue of phone use, texting and now only hands-free devices while driving.

You will not see a Maxine Grad “lawn ornament” as she believes these signs are a driving distraction and most will end up trash or litter. She walks the talk!

For these efforts alone she deserves re-election, but, of course, she has many other projects she is working on.

Please join me in voting for Maxine this year. Peter Shumlin better keep an eye on his rearview mirror for her red car in another year of two!

John Lynch

