To The Editor:

I will be voting to re-elect Maxine Grad to the Vermont House. First, Maxine is responsive. She's noted statewide for responding to her constituents' questions and issues with careful research and helpful action. Second, Maxine is working on issues that matter to us in The Valley towns: property/education tax reform, community safety and supporting/enhancing our economic base. She voted in favor of repealing Act 60/68 (education funding) and against school consolidation and is currently researching various proposals for reforming education funding while providing information to our local school boards. Maxine has won awards for work on children, veterans, victims and public safety issues. Finally, Maxine is well-placed to get things done in the Legislature. She's widely respected by colleagues in both parties and is able to work collaboratively with them.

Join me and put Maxine Grad back in the Vermont House. Vote November 4 or sooner!

Jane Hobart
