To The Editor:

Three reasons Maxine Grad deserves your vote:

1. No one works harder than Maxine. There are 180 men and women serving in the Legislature. None are more effective than Maxine in bringing the concerns of their constituents and communities to the State House. Others may grab headlines or have louder voices but Maxine outworks all of them.

2. Vermont is a safer place as a result of Maxine's service. Maxine has led in addressing: distracted and drugged driving (cellphone and texting ban and drugged driving bill); the scourge of opiate abuse (pretrial services bill); and sexual violence (enhanced sex offender registry). She has supported our military families (Military Parents' Rights Act) and crime victims (victims restitution fund, protective orders and Victims Bill Of Rights).

3. Many are now asking the Legislature to address problems with our education finance system. I can assure you Maxine will apply her vigor to this challenge.

Willem Jewett
GMVS parent and VT legislator
