To The Editor:

I'm voting for Heidi Spear because she has taken a stand on the issues of education funding, property tax reform and single-payer health care legislation; has worked successfully on the Fayston School Board to balance the interests of the children we are entrusted to educate and the taxpayers who pay the bills; spends the time to understand complex issues and help others understand them; advocates for sanity and inclusiveness, not zealotry, in decision-making; consistently and respectfully listens; has integrity; has developed practical reform proposals for our education funding system, understands that to find real solutions, it takes input from everyone who is affected, is running for all the right reasons ... and none of the wrong ones. She has already changed the conversation from "It's really complicated ..." and "Our hands are tied ..." to "What is the solution?" And she isn't even in office yet. Imagine what she'll do when she gets there.

Kim Laidlaw
