To The Editor:

To all members of our Waitsfield community:

Welcome back to another school year! In a time of tremendous change for our Vermont public schools across the state, we are working hard as a learning community to ensure that we are providing the most meaningful learning environment for all of our 146 students for the fewest possible dollars. We consider a broad range of topics at each monthly meeting – from budgeting to curriculum presentations to policy and personnel updates. On the front burner for this year is ongoing conversation about "balanced accountability" with regard to student assessment; it is refreshing and long overdue to hear Rebecca Holcombe, our new state secretary of education, advocate for a more balanced approach to evaluating our schools beyond standardized tests alone. We also welcome new school board member Ben Loveless to our ranks. We appointed Ben to fill Allison Champlin's shoes when her family moved to a neighboring town. Welcome, Ben, and thanks, Allison, for your devoted service to our school.

As a school board, we invite your questions, concerns and good ideas for helping our elementary school be the best it can possibly be moving forward. You can contact us and track our unfolding activities through the WES website,, or find us in the school parking lot or at the next sporting, musical or arts event. We also invite you to attend our monthly school board meetings held in the Waitsfield Elementary School library at 7 p.m. on every second monthly Monday. Other than the unanticipated downtown Waitsfield water main break, which provided an unexpected day off for our students, our fall is off to a positive and exciting start. May we all have a fantastic year of learning!

Eve Frankel, Helen Kellogg, Ben Loveless, Christine Sullivan and Rob Williams, chair
