To The Editor:

For all of you that keep stopping by what used to be my home (with what used to be beautiful gardens) on Route 100, which is now just a house site. Please show a little respect and give us some time to harvest our gardens for which I have spent the last 15 years cultivating and caring for. I understand that it now looks abandoned, but I can assure you they are not. The town of Warren has graciously allowed us to store our perennials and our garden's bounty until I can move them to my new home or until the harvests are ready. Now won't you all let me do the same? I had hoped people would show some respect and give me more than a week to move things before looting my potatoes and checking out what else might be "available" for the taking. It's hard enough watching one's livelihood being dismantled, but to have one's winter supply of food disappear is just not neighborly! Please show a little respect and give me some time to get the new place situated and move my beloved plants. Thanks!

Quayl Rewinski
