The Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce Instagram account @madrivervalley, was recently hacked.





“Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to recover it. As a result, we have created a new Instagram handle: @themadrivervalley,” explained chamber executive director Eric Friedman.

Social media is a vital tool for the chamber and the community, Friedman wrote in his most recent member newsletter.

He said it allows the chamber and members to:

  • Promote local businesses and events: The Instagram account is a key platform for showcasing the vibrant life and opportunities in the Mad River Valley.
  • Engage with the community: Social media helps people stay connected with residents and visitors, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
  • Attract tourists: By sharing the beauty, businesses, and activities of The Valley, it helps attract visitors crucial for the local economy.


“Rebuilding the Instagram following is essential to continue these efforts effectively. We urge all members to follow our new handle, @themadrivervalley, and encourage others to do the same,” Friedman said.


Here’s how to help:

1. Follow the new account @themadrivervalley on Instagram.
2. Tag the new account when posting about business or local events; this helps the chamber connect and share posts with a broader audience.

3. Spread the word: Share the new handle with friends, family, and customers. Mention it in newsletters, email blasts, and social media.
4. Engage with chamber posts by liking, commenting, and sharing content.

“This transition has proven to be incredibly inconvenient, but with your support, we can swiftly rebuild our online community. Our commitment to promoting the Mad River Valley and supporting our local businesses remains stronger than ever. By following our new Instagram handle and encouraging others to do the same, you play a crucial role in this endeavor,” Friedman said.