A final informational hearing on a bond vote for municipal wastewater for Waitsfield takes place on June 3 at the Waitsfield Town Office in advance of voting on June 11. Remote access will be available via Zoom.





A “yes” vote will enable the select board to apply for and secure $15 million in grants and loans to build a municipal wastewater system serving Irasville and Waitsfield Village. The town is anticipating state and federal funds of $13 million with the balance of the cost of the system being funded by a long-term, low-interest USDA loan that will be paid for by users of the system. There will be no connection fees for the 70-plus home and property owners on the priority list for connection.

The town’s wastewater planning committee has created a survey for folks to share opinions and thoughts about the project. Find that google doc at: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSdumxB7CqN7GKe8t8NTxB4PF_az74gYvFyWW-sebAoiQHih4g/formResponse

Voting will take place on June 11 from 8 a.m. to. 7 p.m. at the Waitsfield United Church of Christ in the Village Meeting House.

The meeting agenda and zoom link will be available here: https://www.waitsfieldvt.gov/meeting/selectboard-6-3-24.

For more details about the project, and the bond vote and ballot language, visit the project's website: https://www.waitsfieldvt.gov/departments/projects/wastewater

Contact project manager Annie Decker-Dell’Isola at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any additional questions.