The project was previously denied a conditional use permit because of the DRB's concerns over storm water runoff and landscaping plans. Following the select board's refusal to hire an engineer without the permit, the DRB agreed to reopen the application.

The DRB's notice of decision lists several conditions including: "The project be completed in accordance with the site plans and landscaping concepts submitted to the board, and as revised April 24 to clarify the new structure will utilize a septic holding tank rather than a leach field on the easterly side of Route 100B and the area around the new garage will be paved rather than gravel."


The conditions continue, "A professional level screening plan be created to ensure that the screening component of this project is effective and sustainable.... On the sandpit side of Route 100B all structure, uses, and screening shall be sufficiently set back to leave an unencumbered five-foot corridor to allow future installation of a pathway or sidewalk."

Regarding storm water runoff, the conditions read, "Applicant develop and submit by July 1, 2008, a storm water plan and accomplish the project to ensure that post-flow rates do not exceed pre-development flow rates up to a two-inch rainstorm, defined as two inches of rain falling in a one-hour period."


The project calls for the tearing down of the existing town garage space and rebuilding a new one in its place. The new garage space, as proposed, would be wider and longer so it could hold all of the town's equipment and allow the road crew to service the equipment inside the building. The building will have a footprint of 60 by 110 feet, and have three entrance bays on Route 100B.

Also present at the May 5 meeting of the select board was Town Clerk Cherilynn Lamson. Lamson presented her progress, thus far, in reorganizing and updating records at the town office. Lamson said she had been dealing with discrepancies in the town's voter checklist as it is cross referenced in their computer system.

Select board member Paula Mastroberardino said that the voter checklist was accurate and up to date, while the computer system does not mirror the hardcopy. She recommended that two people cross reference the lists and correct any inaccuracies they may find. Current Town Clerk Lamson said she didn't know what caused the discrepancy.
