
To The Editor: Since the select board agrees with the office task force and voted in favor of their decision to ...

To The Editor: This letter is addressed to Waitsfield voters: Your participation at the Waitsfield Select Board’s Town Office Task Force (TOTF) ...

To The Editor: Our town has been rife with discord ever since the onset of the water project. There seems to ...

To The Editor:   Well, we are finally down to one choice for a vote at Town Meeting for the Waitsfield town ...

To The Editor: I would like to echo and extend Dinsmore Fulton's points made in her letter last week (January 31, ...

In response to Tom Fugate’s thoughtful letter on January 24. Hi Tom: You’re absolutely right about man’s effect on the planet ...

To The Editor: I’ve recently seen much in the news and social media about a proposed wind development moratorium in Vermont, ...
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