To The Editor:

I read with interest this morning on that Vermont's largest health care insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, was asking for a 9.8 percent increase in premiums through the state of Vermont's federally mandated health care exchange. A 9.8 percent increase in the first year? I was led to believe that "Obamacare" was going to contain costs, not be responsible for increasing them. On the subject of cost, are you aware that our governor refused to provide a plan for the funding of Vermont's "single payer" health care plan, even though this was required by law?

Putting health care in the hands of the state and federal government is one of the greatest mistakes this nation has made. And let's not forget the most famous lie (up to this point) from our Commander in Chief: "If you like your current health care plan you can keep it." Millions of Americans had their "current health care" canceled due to "Obamacare" and their new policies are much more expensive.

Midterm elections are this November and if you do not currently do so, now is the time to get politically active and start paying attention to our state and federal governments. If you do nothing but sit back and ignore what is taking place in this country, one day you will wake up and ask yourself what the hell happened to my freedom and our once great nation.

Steve Allen

